Membership: Associate Partner
Homepage: http://www.pro3games.com
Twitter: @pro3games
Pro 3 Games were one of the first gaming companies to fully commit to a commercial product using Adobe’s Stage3D technology. From the very first pre-release versions of 3D for Flash in late 2010 (codenamed “Molehill”) to the present-day Stage3D-enabled Flash Player 11, Pro 3 Games are among the gaming pioneers that drove Adobe’s initial campaign to establish Flash as a high-end gaming solution. Partnerships with The Away Foundation and Adobe Systems have helped their game Starforce Delta (formerly known as Delta Strike) grow quickly to a premium showcase project – backed by international venture capital and presented at key technology fares like Adobe MAX and GDC.
Starforce Delta
Starforce Delta is a next generation browser game that offers more challenge and more immersion than any browser-based game before. Targeting the emerging Cross-Platform Mid-Core Gaming Market, cutting edge technology such as the Away3D engine is essential to realize the stunning visuals and smooth framerates. This becomes even more of a necessity with Pro 3 Games ambition to capture the highly demanding fast-paced action requirements of Hard-Core gamers.
You can play the latest version of Starforce Delta at https://www.starforcedelta.com/.